PM under siege

PM is really under siege.

First, Mukhriz wrote an open letter asking PM to resign.

Then Pak Lah said he would leave it to UMNO youth to decide. Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that UMNO youth has decided not to take action against Mukhriz since this is his personal view. The ball is pushed back to Pak Lah.

Then, Radzi resigned as UMNO and BN Sec Gen. 2 other UMNO leaders refused to accept appointment as deputy ministers by Pak Lah. According to Malaysiakini, they are Tengku Azlan, a member of the Pahang royalty and Anifah Aman, the brother of Sabah Chief MInister.

Then, according to a Malaysiakini BM article , Lima ahli parlimen Umno berontak?, 5 members of Parliament from UMNO is considering to rebel, whatever that means.

In Perlis, PM did not get his wish in the appointment of the new Menteri Besar.

Then, according to Malaysiakini Chinese version, there is discontent among Sabah BN for getting only 2 ministers, no increase from last time, despite the fact that Sabah BN won 24 of the 25 seats.

All these news can only mean one thing. PM is really under siege! For the sake of the country, I hope that this will not lead to any instability.

9 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. malaysian
    Mar 19, 2008 @ 18:46:36

    Appears somone is manipulating the appointment of cabinet members. Not difficult to guess who’s the culprit. One look at list of Ministers and many people actually wants to puke.


  2. max
    Mar 19, 2008 @ 18:58:34

    “Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that UMNO youth has decided not to take action against Mukhriz since this is his personal view. The ball is pushed back to Pak Lah.”……………mmmmm I wondered maybe someone threaten to resign enmass with his supporters (>40 members), leaving the gov’t of the day collapsing??


  3. humbleforest
    Mar 20, 2008 @ 00:01:28

    Well, people of Malaysia, the count down has
    finalised and the cabinet has been formed. Whether it is going to be a consolidated or
    a loose cabinet, please give them a chance to perform their ” honest ” duties as well as to give them a space to breathe.

    Everyone expects to have peace and economic stability in our beloved country, so see how sincere and non-corrupt they can stretch.

    The opposition or pointer parties and the loyal
    citizens are to observe properly whether the
    new Government is carrying out fairly and faithfully in their manifesto.

    Check whether it is a personal, family or like-minded party policy or a Malaysia Malaysian
    policy, regardless of races, religions and

    The wealth that are profited are to be shared
    back to all the loyal citizens. This is the policy
    of sharing, caring and indiscriminate love for
    all Malaysians.
    This comes from the common
    spiritual knowledge of understanding and
    its ” Universal Wisdom. “


  4. jeff
    Mar 20, 2008 @ 01:22:57

    Malay racist party is not going to collapse, don’t worry! Doc. nothing is going to happen in Malaysia unless those gangsters hire by this racist party going on with their rampage to recoup loss political power in opposition control states.


  5. Sharing
    Mar 20, 2008 @ 01:41:57

    Riots in the Chicken Cage!
    Too many Chicken with too little worms to feed?
    Or Chicken too picky to eat?
    The Hen had taken in eggs of eagle to the cage!
    Eagles had grown up to prefer meat than worms!
    Hen with handful of worms with shivering hands to feed!

    Does Hen asked for mercy of the Birds to be fair?
    Hen forget Fairness was never the Rules in her Chicken Cage!!
    Hen got sore feet stepped by the Eagles asking for meat!
    Can Hen yell?
    NO! Hen is too scare to yell!
    Or, her voice is simply ignored as she is yelling to the Eagles!!


  6. monsterball
    Mar 20, 2008 @ 10:21:49

    The country is safe….provided UMNO treat it’s own stay in UMNO.
    Unfortunately….few may try some stunts …to rojak the country…to stop the rot in UMNO…but Malaysians are well prepared…not to fall into UMNO’s dirty plans….if any.
    Yes Doc…what you have written are facts…..yet Pak Lah said UMNO is as strong as ever.
    And KuLi came out to say.he is prepared to lead UMNO….indirectly saying Pak Lah is no good.
    Yet he kept smiling….and reasure.evrything in UMNO is ok.
    Now trace his words for 5 years…People’s foot….big new plane…and one to beat TDM….big new yatch…..simply bluffing all of us.he want no big cars or house.
    Then saying Anwar is irrelevant and finished……..supported by so many other insults. Now Anwar proven otherwise….still never learn.
    You see….after the election….the Malaysians can see the real UMNO… are plenty UMNO high ranking politicians..all resigning.
    Tak malu kar??


  7. jeff
    Mar 22, 2008 @ 00:52:16

    Pak lah claim Umno-putra party will not be toppled, seem like he is trying to get personal after this election, our country is a democratic country, losing seats in parliament doesn’t mean people want to topple your party, just that people want change of direction.


  8. monsterball
    Mar 22, 2008 @ 01:17:06

    The mumbo jumbo keep pouring in.
    Tun Razaleigh wants an UMNO …general meeting….to announce he is ready to be challenge Pak Lah for.. PM.
    Mahathir….as expected…support it..
    Youth and Wanita against it.
    Few ministers against it.
    So again….it is old futs…that are not realistic and practical. Selfishness is so great….that poor Razaleigh…..once noted to be the smartest Malay by whole world…mixes too much with Mahathir… convinced…and now what…..same stupid old futs…….not realiszng they are has beens.


  9. jeff
    Mar 23, 2008 @ 04:41:11

    Some of the royal blood are too easy mislead by those corrupt umno-putra, instead of speaking up against these racists formulated racist policy to divide the “rakyat” and nation, our royalty choose to remain silent on it with the exception of a few.


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