Heed the advice and vote him out

One funny thing in the current Sarawak State election is that both the top leaders  of BN and Opposition agree on one important thing: that the Chief Minister, the present day White (Hair) Rajah  of Sarawak must go.

The opposition wants him out to take advantage of the dislike of the urban Sarawakians of White Hair.

BN top leaders want him out because he has fast become a liability in the fixed deposit state. The fixed deposit may not be so safe because of the White Hair’s  alleged pilfering into the fixed deposits.

But common to many long staying leaders, despite all the calls asking him to step down, and despite the pressure  exerted on him by no less a person than PM himself, Peh Mou (White Hair) wants to stay on for a few more  years, using the euphemism that he will put in a succession plan once he gets re-elected.

Since both BN and opposition agree that he should be out, then i think the voters, whether they are supporters of BN or opposition, should take heed of the signals given by both sides, and vote White Hair out accordingly.

This is just logic. Why wait for another 2 years since even PM wants him to go? Making sure he goes now would be a better bet!

After all, those who vote him out will be doing a favour not only to themselves but to PM and BN too.


On another point, I was unable to access Malaysiakini website yesterday, and I understand that it must be the work of cyber troopers attcking their sites. This is to deny people from accessing news and opinion that may be unfavourable to the power that be.

Even in some of the blogs, you can see that certain person is actually cyber trooper assigned to do certain work for the power to be.

Freedom of expressing opinion and freedom to access information is everyone’s basic right..The attack shows that the power that be is really worried about the State election.. But until the last minute, you can never tell how the people are going to vote.