Sexist remarks

I was shocked and sad over the sexist remarks in Parliament about the “leak”.

Parliament is supposed to be an august chamber , where dignified behaviour is expected of all parliamentarians, who, as representatives of the people, should show an example in good manners.

As a medical doctor, I cannot understand the rationale of comparing the physiological process of menstruation with leak, even if , as the 2 MPs claimed,  uttered at the heat of debating.

Menstruation is a physiological process, regulated by certain hormones in our body , to prepare the womb for child bearing duty, and without this process, you and I and all other homosapiens will not be walking in this world, let alone arguing in the place where proper decorum is expected. It is a process that should be viewed as something sacred, because otherwise, there will not be human kinds.

The remarks certainly are uncalled for, showed the immaturity and disrepect for the female sex, which incidentally includes our mothers and sisters and daughters.

The 2 MPs should not only apologised to Fong but should do it to all the people in the country, male and female included, for belittling our own mothers, sisters and daughters.
They should also apologise for bad manners. As a deterent for any such future behaciour, perhaps, some forms of suspension is in order.