A very unequal world

You may already know that this is an unequal world. There are many very rich people around, as there are many very poor people.

But I am sure you will still be shocked to find out  how unequal this world actually is :

Just some statistics:

Businessweek estimated that in 2006, there are 9.6 million household with net worth more than US $1 million dollars. Together , they control about one third of the world’s total wealth.

4.6 million of them are in United States. 2,300 out of this 4.6 million are worth more than 100 US million each.

Japan, Britain, Germany and China made up of the other top 4 nations in the world with the most millionaires. China has the fastest rate of increase for millionaires at 39 % per year .

On the other extreme, 1.1 billion population live under absolute poverty, meaning that they live with less than US$1 a day. Another 2.7 billion live in relative poverty, meaning that they earn less than US$2 a day.

How to have a more equitable world? Perhaps there should be more Warren Buffet, the investment guru and the second richest man after Bill Gates, who donated most of his wealth to charity to help those in poverty.

More than anyone else, he really deserves a Nobel peace prize.