IPCMC will lessen risks of police being killed

The recent incident in which 2 policemen were killed and 2 others seriously injured, as reported in Malaysiakini , is a very serious matter and left many questions unanswered.

My condolences to the families of the dead policemen and it is indeed sad for them to have lost their loved ones in such a gruesome manner.

Many wish is also to see a speedy recovery of the 2 injured police still inICu of hospitals. They will certainly be able to shed more lights on this case and help to bring those heartless criminals to face justice.

This incident has glaringly  exposed that crime situation in the country  is gettin from bad to serious, from serious to very serious.

This blog has written many times about this issue and has also maintained that an efficient and professional force is one of the most important things in a democratic country.

I have also advocated that because of the dangers they face, police should be given a higher pay , and so far, I am glad that some adjustment have been made in July this year.

But to improve their efficiency and professionalism, there is no other way but a total overhaul of the whole force, which I am sure will come about if the proposed IPCMC can take off.

This IPCMC will , in the long run, bring back glory  to the police and will certainly improve the crime situation in the country. When the crime situation improves, the police will have lesser risks of being gunned down. This is  like a cycle. If one part of the cycle is improved, the other parts will benefit.

On the other hand, if the crime situation gets worse, it will encourage more people to resort to crime and more hard core criminals will be produced, and more risks the average police officer will face – another  vicious cycle .

SO I hope the government will immediately start implementing the IPCMC, and give us back the efficient and glorious force that we once have. Improve crime situation, and the police work will become safer and people will respect police more.

So, ironically,  the police must understand that IPCMC is actually not against them, but rather will help them to improve their efficiency, help to make their work easier, help to lock up more criminals, help to deter more people to resort to crime and make their work safer.  With better efficiency, then we the Rakyat can fight harder for them to raise their pay higher!

Only those who are not professional enough will be scared of the setting up of this Commission.

2 questions I wish to ask about this case,:

!.  Why is there an ambush party waiting for the police?  Who tipped them off?

2. WHy  the 4 of them went to the house without informing their superiors? Why aren’t procedures followed?

This reminds me of the show, Infernal Affairs, from Hong Kong. Those who have not seen the show, it is worth buying a DVD to see this show (actually a series of 3 movies.)