The cancer of the nation

Came back from a 9 day trip on Saturday, but have been trying to rest because of the jet lag..

This is one trip that I completely shut off from emails, internet.. Those of us who blog  actually spend too much time online and may have neglected other aspects of life. Too much of good medicine can kill.. Too much of good things like going online can also be bad..

Well, need some time to get tuned to the happenings past 10 days.

But one of the most shocking is the resignation of the MACC boss.

We do not know what happened , but it is unlikely to be due to the reason that he wanted to rest and with the family, since his tenure has only 5 more months to go.

He was the first commissioner of MACC and he could have earned himself a place in Malaysian history if he put his heart and soul into tackling corruption, like the ICAC of HOng Kong inthe 70s.

Not only corruption has become worse and Malaysia’s ranking in corruption perception has gone down lower and lower, but certain cases like the case of TBH has cast a dark shadow on the whole MACC.

Corruption is the mother of all evils. It is to a country what a cancer is to a person. When a person is having cancer ( I refer to cancer of earlier stages, not the end stage type where metastasis is everywhere and the fate of the patient is doomed), he can have several options:

1.  remove the cancer surgically or by radiotherapy or chemotherapy of a combination of these

2.  ignore the symptoms and wait for it to get worse, and the end result s of course death.

3.  choose to have partial treatment , in which case, he is only buying time and when the cancer flares up again after some time, he will be like that of No. 2

To go for radical treatment is painful but that is the only way to have a fighting chance to get cure. To choose option 2 or 3 is to deny oneself of a chance to get cure.

The country is having cancer of corruption. The perception is that there is selective investigation and prosecution of corruption cases, and those with big cables are left untouched.

I think the blame is not on MACC or its officers alone. The blame should be on the political masters , for they are the one who hold the keys to whether they really want MACC to be independent. Unless and until MACC is given true independence to investigate and prosecute, tackling of corruption is like scenerio No. 3, and there would not be any cure for this mother of all evils.

The end result is predictable: the country is going down the drain… It is already a couple of steps down, and if there is no political wills to allow MACC to investigate with full independence , things will only get worse.

The ball is at the feet of the political master.. How he plays it will determine how this country is going to fare. Whether we will end up as a maid exporting country ( I have been talking about it some time back), or whether we can buck the present trend and achieve our dream of a developed country status, it is up to the top political master, the PM.

10 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. klm
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 16:13:55

    Dr. Hsu. Welcome back. I hope your battery is fully charged and with fill with plenty of acid. 🙂

    Looks like your miss the story of Teoh Boon Hock’s ghost haunting MACC Shah Alam office. The MACC boss announced his retirement a day after that story broke. I am not sure this has anything do to with it.


  2. Dr Hsu
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 16:21:56

    TBH’s soul in Shah ALam? Really? I will google and search for thenews, Thanks for the tips.


  3. klm
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 16:38:55

    According to the news story, Toh’s ghost bit one of the MACC officer in the neck. That officer ran away to Putrajaya’s office and never come back. He must have some guilt.


  4. Richard Loh
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 17:32:50

    Welcome back, Dr. Hsu.

    You may want to know the “frivolous” PM, giving a one sentence “frivolous” statement when he snapped “I will not entertain any frivolous statement” when question about Bala’s latest revelation.

    We will not be surprised when all leaders that are undergoing investigation by macc will follow the pm snapping, telling the macc to back off because all reports and charges are “frivolous”.


  5. KB
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 17:59:20

    Dear Dr. Hsu, an article of your has been published in Hornbill unleashed.

    Another 15-20 years under BN, Malaysia will be more than a maid exporting country. We will also export waiters, factory workers, construction labourers, comfort women and gigolos. There is no where for the country to end up with corruption, plunder and racial policies pulling the country backwards.


  6. pilocarpine
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 19:32:05

    ghost.grey area. area.

    PM.political master.


  7. mycuntree
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 21:17:02

    Pray tell, Dr Hsu; How is the MACC going to go after the big timers of corruption when the MACC’s boss himself is at the top of the heap in corruption?

    The one and only way for the MACC to do its intended job is to make it fully independent and responsible to Parliament only. The new head of MACC must not be from the present list of personnel.They are all already infected with malignant cancer cells, as you say.


  8. disgusted
    Dec 07, 2009 @ 23:00:46

    Makes a good storyline. Yes, Teoh, go after whoever cause your death. Makes us believe there are ghosts.

    As a matter of fact, I was told this story in the 60s.

    A taxi driver picked up a lady in old PJ town and there suddenly in the blaze of the taxi light, a lady dressed in red flowing dress stopped the taxi. She was wearing dark glasses (at night!!).

    She was wearing a red jacket (over coat) and she got in. The taxi driver asked where she wanted to go and she answered softly almost inaudible.

    The taxi went where she said and as some squatter houses were in sight whatever seen through the taxi front lights, she asked the taxi to stop in some winding lane.

    The story didn’t end here. So the taxi driver went home and had a good sleep. Next morning, he found a red overcoat behind his driver’s seat.

    having a good heart, the taxi driver soon had to return to the path and stopped near some squatter houses and had to ask around.

    Soon, he knocked at a door and an old lady opened the door. The taxi man said somebody left the overcoat and whether the old lady recognize the belonging.

    Finally, the old lady in a state of shock, said, “Yes, it belonged to my daughter but……………
    she died 5 years ago.”

    ha, ha….not scary ahh!

    Another one, do you know a political party headquarters in KL. Well, two security guards in the late 80s quit in a hurry. Why? Because a long haired woman had been haunting the floors of the political party. One night, at 2am in the wee morning hours, as the guard was doing his rounds (checking floor by floor), a long haired woman appeared and “floated” into a lift.

    The guard probably pissed in his pants and left (next morning).


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  10. klm
    Dec 08, 2009 @ 22:28:38

    Dr Hsu. In case you were not able to get the ghost story. check this one out.


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