Are we still human?

Just heard that the 2 year old infant in Foshan has passed away.

What has humanity become?I can’t help but shed a tear for this innocent kid, who died as a result of people becoming so cold-blooded and behaving more like animals than human.

For those who have not heard about this case, this is about a 2 year old girl who while toddling across a street in Foshan in Guangdong, was run over by a Van.

Video footage shows that after the front wheel ran over the girl, the van slowed but then didnot stop  and the rear wheel too ran over the injured girl. The van then sped away, leaving the half dead toddler in the middle of the street.

After this, there were 18 passers-by, but none of them bothered to stop to save the child.

Finally, an old lady, who is a trash collector, came to the aid of this girl and when the girl was admitted, her condition was already very critical.

When media succeeded in  tracing  the van driver, he mentioned that he did not know that he had hit a girl –( sleeping driving?)

Most of the 18 passersby too pleaded innocence , saying that they did not notice the incident nor the injured girl lying in the middle of the street. ( having cataracts? or are them demented?)

Worse, the old lady who came to the rescue was criticised by some of the people that she came to aid the girl because she wanted publicity.

If one or two walked away, I would understand, since in the law of average, there will bound to be some who would do not do things that a normal person would do. What a normal person would do would be that he or she would try to help the little girl, provide some first aids if possible, and call for an ambulance or inform the police.

But 18 persons in a stretch? Only one in 19 responded. This really reflects the type of attitude in the community.

I remember not too long ago, I saw somewhere in the net a story about a dog which stayed by the side of another dying dog, howling sadly and refusing to leave. . If animals can have such sympathy for their own kind, why can’t these people calling themselves human exhibit some of the human traits? Is it not a human trait to help others in need, especially someone who is injured?

Confucius would certainly turn in his grave, if he knows about this. So would Mao and Deng.

I wonder if the same accident happens in Malaysia, would we respond differently? I  think that we Malaysians are much more helpful and I have often seen in Pudu how people would help an accident victim to clinics and hospitals.

I hope the toddler’s  soul will rest in peace!