Susan Loone is back

susan-loone.gif Susan’s mascot

A piece of good news. Susan Loone, one of Malaysia’s top bloggers, is back!! 🙂

She wrote a comment on my blog just now and it reads:

Hi, everyone. No worries. I am back on the radar again. Truth is, I no longer have a lap top and posts will be scarce.

Thanks for all the concern. )

I am very glad that nothing untowards has happened to her. Her link is listed in Malaysiakini as Malaysiakini ‘s top bloggers.

So Happy blogging again, Susan, we all look forward to read your posts again.


2 Comments (+add yours?)

  1. sloone
    Oct 21, 2007 @ 14:04:09

    thanks dr. hsu for the kind words. bloggers like you give me real encouragement to blog again 🙂


  2. monsterball
    Oct 30, 2007 @ 22:35:53

    Yip Doc….She is a jewel in blogphere and so glad all is well with her.
    I did worry alot for her….with her sudden disappearance….until she reappeared.


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