the dvd sex scandal

A friend called to wish me Happy New Year. He also asked me my view about the DVD sex scandal which I only learned about yesterday through Malaysiakini website.

Apparently a senior politician from Johore from one of the ruling coalition parties is involved. ( the latest news from Malaysiakini reported that the Minister has come forward and admitted that he is the one in the DVD)

I would only say this:

Firstly,  sex outside of matrimonial ties is deplorable and inexcusable, even if the politician is lured and set up into committing an immoral act. Do not blame it on human weaknesses.

Secondly, to intrude into the privacy of a bedroom to record sexual act is equally deplorable . Worse still, this is no doubt a premeditated job and a trap to destroy someone’s name and reputation.

Thirdly, this is definiteloy a case of trying to kill off a  person’s political career. Politics is dirty, but even a keen observer of politics like myself is unprepared and shocked to see politics sinking to such low level. Whoever is behind this would not be a small fry, since only a person of more-or-less equal rank or standing would gain from the ouster of such a high ranking person. I dread to think of the possibility of having such a person within the ranks of our leaders, heading important portfolios and making important decisions.

I hope our police force will investigate and haul out the perpetrator/s that is out to destroy this person ‘s reputation.

I am starting to believe in the saying  that KKM has really bad feng shui and that most of its  ministers  end their political career there. I have naively believed that a shift to new premise in Putrajaya would have changed KKM’s feng shui. How wrong am I!

What a start to a new year!!

latest post on this:
be honourable and resign

Happy New Year
