Chua did the honourable thing

Latest news from Malaysiakini has reported that Chua Soi Lek has resigned from all his positions in the party and government .

I have in my noon posting praised him for coming forward to admit his  mistake and asked him to do the next honourable thing , that is to resign from his ministerial post.

He did the honourable thing. He is an honourable person, even though he has committed a wrong act.

I feel sad that he has resigned but  this is his only choice .

Let his downfall be a lesson to all top as well as aspiring politicians. Be honest, uphold moral and ethical standard. Never never cheat in life. Of course this is easier said than done, but if you aspire to be a leader , you have no choice but to set a very high standard, because this is what is expected of you.

Let his resignation set a precedence for all political wrong-doers. Admit  mistake and resign – not to cling on to positions despite evidence of wrong-doings.

If by his resignation, he helps to nurture a culture of accountability and responsibility, he would have done a better service to the nation and people than all his years of holding political office.

earlier postings on this topic:

be honourable and resign

the dvd sex scandal

Be honourable and resign

Chua Soi Lek did the honourable thing to admit his mistake and apologise to the people (refer to the news in Malaysiakini). This is of course a departure from the behaviour of many Malaysian politicians. Most of these politicians would have denied and would instead adopt a “I am holier than you” type of attitude when faced with accusations of wrong doing.

By coming forward and admitting his mistake, Chua has shown much courage. His action has also saved the nation,his party and the supporters much pain and anguish, not to mention  the waste of resources that would have to be committed to investigate the authenticity of the DVD had he not come forward to admit it.

I hope his action will set an example of accountability and in future other politicians and civil servants would do the same honourable thing to admit their mistakes.

I sympathise with Chua but my deepest sympathy is reserved for his wife and his family; they are the real innocent victims in this case. For their sake, I hope that the perpetrators behind the recording will be found and charged in court, no matters how high a position/s  they are holding.

 Adultery is morally wrong and legally an offence.However, in this case,  perhaps we should forgive him as a person, and accept him back into the community, instead of hounding him and his family incessantly.

Having said that, I still think that the next honourable thing for Chua to do is to resign from his ministerial post.

The reason  is very simple – how is he going to preach virtues as a leader and minister to his subordinates and staff in all the hospitals in the country, without sounding like a hypocrite? He has , unfortunately, lost the moral high ground and his believability by this indiscreet act of adultery.

a related earlier post:

the dvd sex scandal

latest news: Chua did the honourable thing