press statements on Perak


This is my statement in English and Chinese sent out at around 3.30pm this afternoon. Afternoon is the wrong time to send out statements, but since I was very busy in the morning, and I have no PAs to help me ( I am just a social political worker and not a politician), I have no choice but to send out late the statements which I wrote around 2pm.

(Despite the late hours that i sent out this statement, Malaysiakini has published excerpts of it in both its CHinese and English editions..the links are here: English & CHinese . It has also been reported in Malaysian Insider, click here)

Press Release 

by Dr Hsu Dar Ren , Central Committee member of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia.

1. As a Central Committee member of Parti Gerakan Rakyat Malaysia, I strongly urge the Barisan Nasional as well as the Pakatan leadership to come together for an  understanding to jointly seek the permission of the ruler to dissolve the Perak State Assembly and seek a fresh State Election, which in my view is the only sensible solution to the problem.


2. Enough farce has been played and enough damage has been done to the nation. In the interest of the people of Perak in specific and Malaysia in general, it is no longer a matter of who is right and who is wrong. The decision of who should form the rightful government should no longer be decided in courts , but rather it should be decided by the people of Perak themselves, going by the very basic principle of democracy.


3. I humbly appeal to both sides to go back to democratic principles and let common sense prevail rather than trying to hold on to power and lose the support of the people.


1. 作為民政黨中委, 我誠懇的呼吁和希望, 國陣和民聯的領導層, 能達成一項共識, 將霹靂州議會解散, 重新舉行州級選舉.

2. 靂州議會的這項 ‘鬧劇’, 已嚴重的傷害到霹靂州以及我國的聲譽. 這已不是爭論誰是誰非的時候..在民主原則下, 人民的利益和意愿才是最重要的.

3. 霹靂州由誰來執政, 應由霹靂州人民來決定, 而非交于法院裁決.

4. 我希望國陣和民聯雙方, 能以大局為重, 不要為了爭取短暫的權力, 而失去了人民的支持.